Adding Texture In Photos With Photoshop

This article will help you how to add texture to the photo using Photoshop. The final result is similar to the existing photo above, the photo above is produced by adding texture:

with this photo:

Let's start.

What is needed?

Here are some things you need:

1. photoshop, all versions can
2. texture image file, please download here for example textures used here in
3. The original photo that you want to add texture

Step-by-step editing

First, open the texture file and photo files in Photoshop
Make a selection in the file and then copy texture. Click the window containing the texture file in Photoshop, then press Control-A then Control-C, a Mac user control button is replaced with the command

Then paste it above the copy image files. Click on the photoshop window containing a photo, then press Control-V

Drag the file position the texture so that all enclosed photo:

Change the blending mode to "overlay"

Create a mask adjustment

Remove or reduce the intensity of the texture of the skin that looks at a model that does not look too strange (to taste), use the brush tool, push the B and start painting section of skin models


Some examples of images with mixed textures:

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