Basic terms In Photography, You Need to Know

This article will discuss about what the basic terms Photography. This article is intended for beginners who want to learn photography. Today many people who have a camera, be it digital cameras, compact cameras and SLRs. Because the price of the camera is now relatively cheap and easy to obtain. Many people who use the camera for photos with friends, just for style, or maybe there are people who really like and love in photography and wants to become a professional photographer. Well, for those of you who want to become a professional photographer you have to understand, and the obligation to know the basic terms in the play of photography. Here are some basic terms in photography:

1. ISO
ISO is used to adjust the sensitivity of the light. ISO which has a numeric value or greater then in capturing the light will be more sensitive in the sense will take a lot of light, but the effects of too great an ISO quality of the pictures taken will be good not even be worse. The images on the snap will arise noise spots on the image.

2. Speed ​​(Shutter Speed)
Speed ​​is meant here is the speed of the camera when capturing an object. That is when we reduce the number of speed on the camera when you take a picture, the object will be blurred, and vice versa when you increase the speed of the camera then the object will be frozen or obvious. But you must be careful in playing speed, because when speed is used large, then the light will be obtained low or small, and vice versa.

3. Aperture
This term is almost the same as the ISO, which is to capture the intensity of light coming into the camera. When a large aperture lens, the light that is captured is also great. Things like this also affects the DOF (Depth Of Field).

4. Depth Of Field (DOF)
DOF term can be interpreted as a sharp space in a photograph. The definition of sharp space is the images are part of the focus and blur section. Aperture was the decisive DOF. The smaller the aperture, the better to get the DOF on the photo.

5. Mode Dial
Most cameras now have the Mode Dial. According to what I know, there are five standard Dial Mode:

a. Auto, this setting is the simplest arrangement and everyone can use this mode without having to learn first, because all the system is set up by the camera automatically, so users simply press the shutter button the finished image with the camera quality standards.

b. Aperture Priority, Aperture is the diaphragm, so if this mode to use your speed will be set automatically by the camera and to set the aperture we have to decide for themselves.

c. Speed ​​Priority, for this mode is the opposite of Aperture Priority

d. Program, this mode all settings are set by the camera, so you do not need to bother to organize themselves.

e. Manual, nah this mode frequently and may be obligatory for professional photographers, because with this mode you can express your own ideas work. Why do I say that, because in this mode all the settings that govern yourselves, both of the aperture, speed, iso, and also WB and others.
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