Tips Modeling Photography #2

This article is a continuation of the article titled article Modeling Tips Photography. For this time will share tips on photographing models. For photographing the model, there are several things that must be considered. I will give you eight things to consider. What are these? Please check it out

1. Concept
Before you start photographing models specify in advance the desired concept like. So that the model is not confused when choosing a costume. By concept, photo models have a story you would more than photographing models without the concept.

2. Property
Utilization [ro [erties punjangan underestimated in order to create an atmosphere. For that try to exploit the property in accordance with the concept. But also not too excessive use of the property. If you forget to prepare, take advantage of existing property at the site.

3. Costumes and Makeup
dalampemotretan models, makeup and costume is paramount. Try right costume with a model of a concept that has been determined. Likewise with makeaup, create makeup that is determined in accordance with the concept.

4. Time
If we do outdoor shooting, the ideal time is 8-10 hours in the morning and 3-5 / 6 pm. On-time when the sun is still soft, so that the shadow that appears at the bottom of the eyelid, nose and neck is not too hard.

5. Location
Look location kirs-kirs coco with your model photo concept. Carial such as a park or other location that has sufficient light conditions and not crowded. Unless you have adequate lighting equipment.

6. Equipment
In addition to cameras and memory also prepare basic equipment for photographing models. Refector, is needed photographing models berfunngsi as a medium of reflection of sunlight or referred to as a fill-in light.

7. Composition and Decision-Angle
About the composition sometimes be a choice as to what the photographer wants the desired image. Rules Rule of Third became the start for photographing models in terms of composition. Likewise with the angle, for example, the object of our shoot parallel to the object.

8. Digital Imaging
At any given moment, as well as the needs of consumers or other, we sometimes need to cultivate a little or a lot of the results of our model photo. Important to note is the tone / color, costumes etc. Be careful in terms of play of color, natural color as possible is a safe choice.
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