Terminology In Photography

In previous articles I have discussed about the basic terms that should be known for beginners. Now I will share about the terms in photography even more. As knowledge alone, so when you find a word or a new thing in photography is not confused and already knew before.

These terms I sort of alphabet a-z.


  • A: Abbreviation of auto, namely a password for automatic selection of the facility. That is, when the selector is turned to this position, the aperture will work automatically after the photographer chose a speed (shutter speed) or vice versa.
  • AF: stands for auto focus, namely how to work the camera without requiring the photographer twirling own inventor focus (distance). This system works after the photographer pressing the "on" in order to focus.
  • AL servo AF: autofocus option suggestion that used for photographing moving objects. Effective option for shooting sports.
  • Angle of view: The angle of view or angle shooting. How to view and retrieve the object to be photographed
  • Aperture diaphragm: the hole where the light from the lens into the camera onto film.
  • Aperture priority auto exposure (A): diaphragm aperture priority automatic exposure. If the aperture is set in advance, the shutter speed will work automatically.
  • Artificial light: man-made light used for photographing such as flash, fire, etc.
  • Asa: stands for standard american Association. Ie standard sensitivity of the film. The sense is the same as the ISO, only first names are commonly used ASA American region. Measured speed arithmetic.
  • Programed Auto Program Auto (P): automated facility to choose the normal programmed lighting and high speed (high speed), depending on the use of short focal-length lens.
  • Auto winder: motors are useful to advance the film automatically and quickly without having cocked beforehand. Often used by sports photographer or the priority objects moving quickly.

  • Back light: light from behind, which is the light coming from behind the object. This light direction opposite the camera. In general, the resulting effect can create a silhouette, the object surrounded by "rim light" or existing light around the object. The light effects can be detrimental to the photographer because if on the lens will cause flare.
  • Bayonet: lens mounting system that only goes a round of less than 90 degrees to remove the lens.
  • Photography Birds eye view: The point of view in a photo shoot that is similar to what is seen a bird in flight.
  • Blitz: The flash or flashgun. This tool is an artificial light which replaces the role of sunlight in the shooting. To capture the flash requires a certain speed has been adjusted to the speed of 1/60 second camera.
  • Blitzlichtpulver: forerunner of the flash. Made from powder mixtures including some magnesium and potassium chlorade that can emit light.
  • Blur: Blur whole or part of the image due to movement of intentional or unintentional at the time of the shooting and the effect size of the diaphragm. This happens for example when panning or zooming techniques that use low speed.
  • Bottom light: The light from the bottom of the object, usually called "base of light". Usually used as a fill light from the front. The main function is to reduce the contrast of light.
  • Bounce Flash: Light reflection. Indirect light beam emanating from the light source. The most effective way to try is to reflect the light beam to the corner of another before the light on the shooting object. This lighting technique is suitable for producing soft illumination.
  • Bracketing: A shooting technique similar to provide a combination of different lighting on an object.
  • The built-in diopter: Influence diopters (plus or minus lens) which is mounted on the camera viewfinder. Useful for bespectacled photographer.
  • Bulb: Means a very slow shutter speed on camera is used to photograph objects. Long open the shutter is determined by the photographer, by pressing then releasing the pressure on the shutter button.

  • C: stands for continuous, ie the password contained in the camera. Functions declared use of shooting pictures in a row with a certain speed (generally 3 frames per second).
  • Candid camera: photograph or portrait made in the manner of stealth so that the object does not realize it.
  • CCD: abbreviation of the charge couple device, the chip instead of film used in digital cameras to record the image (image).
  • Center of focus: the center of attention. Often called the center of interest or focus of interest. Limelight create and technical messages to be conveyed photographer physically depicted in the photo.
  • Center weight: lighting measurement focused only on 60 percent of the area center of the image (field) images.
  • Coating: providing a thin layer on the surface of the lens. Its function is to withstand the reflection of light and protect the lens from a variety of languages, such as fungi.
  • Cold tone: cool tone colors, blue-gray with a lighter color tone.
  • Color Balance: color balance.
  • Composition: composition, ie the placement or the preparation of the parts of an image to memebentuk unity in a particular field so unsightly.
  • Continuous light: the flash is used to take pictures, the light is able to light up continuously (repeatedly).
  • Contrast: contrast is generally defined as the difference gradation contrast, brightness, or tone (color) between dark field (shadow) with bright field, or once a striking white color on the object.
  • Cropping: compaction / cutting the image in a photo or something printed by removing certain parts are less than desirable.


  •  Density: density or sensitivity in photography. This term is expressed thick thin silver lining attached to the film. The more intense the color, the darker the color and weight.
  • Depth: depth, ie dimensional effect arises because there are differences in sharpness.
  • Depth of field: a part that looks sharp (not blurry) and clear, which is within a certain range. Usually also referred to as a sharp cast.
  • Diaphragm: the diaphragm, which is a hole in the lens where light enters the camera when taking the picture. This lens hole is formed from a thin metal pieces that are within or behind the lens. Can shortlisted or widened.
  • Distortion: distortion, which is the storage form. In photography is common in shooting with a wide angle lens.

  • Fill-in Flash: The flash charger. In shooting conditions that do not require the flash, the lamp remains lit to illuminate the dark parts of an object, for example a shadow on shooting outdoors.
  • Photography Film: Media for recording images. Pictures made on the basis of a flexible and transparent. The film consists of a thin layer containing light-sensitive emulsion, on the basis of a flexible and transparent. Emulsion consists of silver halide, the light-sensitive compounds.
  • Film Frame Counter: Counter number of movie frames. Detector framed which shows the number of films that have been unused.
  • Film transparency: color slides or color reversal films, the positive film used for purposes of advertising, press, etc. Tujuannga is getting acuity and color vision.
  • Filters: Filters in the form of a glass (or other material that is opaque) having average thickness, mounted on the tip of the lens tube.
  • Fix Lens: fixed lens, ie a lens that has a focal length of a single, fixed perspective.
  • Flash: The flash, which is a type of artificial light that is able to provide light that can be controlled.
  • Flash exposure compensation: Compensation lighting flash, which is an alternative way of making the lighting more or less by using a flash lamp.
  • FPS: stands persecond frame, ie the unit shooting in gampar per second.


  • GN: Abbreviation of duide number, this is the power of the transmit power flash light which is the multiplication of the distance (in meters or feet) and diaphragm.
  • High angle: high view. This means that the photographer is at a higher position than the object image.
  • High-Key photo: designation for a photo predominantly white shades.
  • High light: bright parts on a photograph by reflected light.
  • Honetcomb: Device or additional tool shaped like a honeycomb.
  • Hot shoe: hot shoe on the top of the camera that is used to install the electronic flash.


  • Image: image formed on the film or the curtain observer.
  • Incident light metering: Measurement of light falls, which is a strong measure of light that illuminates the object
  • Infinity: infinite distance with a sign on the distance scale.
  • Infrared: Infrared is a red light outside the spectrum
  • ISO: stands for international standards organization, is the authorized body provides a standard for the category of films that are used in the world of photography


  • JIS: singatan of ja [an industrial standard is a measure of the sensitivity of the film. such asa used in Japan.

  • Lens: the lens is a device consisting of several mirrors that transform the object into a shadow that is upside down, minimized, and real.
  • Lens Hood: lens hood is used to cover the lens elements forefront of the incoming light frontally. Light as this will cause flare effect (white light spots) on the photo.
  • Ligh tcontrast: Contrast sensitivity level of light is the light produced by a light source. It is most affecting the contrast of light is the size of the light source.
  • Light meter: measuring the power of light. Commonly used in the shooting to determine the diaphragm or kecapatan on a lighting condition.
  • Long shot: dense viewpoint to give more attention to the object of shooting by separating it from the background that may interfere.
  • Low angle: low view is a viewpoint in a photo shoot with photographer lower position of the object shooting. Generate images as if the object is higher than the original.
  • LT: Long time exposure equal to the length of exposure such as 1.5 seconds or more.


  • Macro: A macro is a suggestion for shooting at close range. Macro photography will produce objects recording (on film) equal to the original object, or at least half of the original object. However, the zoom lens has a quarter fasilias produce large object recording the original object also has to be said macro.
  • Macro Lens: macro lens is a lens for photographing objects berukran difunakan small or shooting at close range. Generally used for reproductive purposes because it can provide high quality and minimal distortion.
  • Magnification: enlargement is measured from the film image with the original size of the comparison object.
  • Main light: the main beam in a shooting that usually comes from the front of the object. Typically used to bring up the shape or object faces.
  • Medium format: medium format camera is a SLR camera types that use this type of movie 120mm Compared with small format cameras, this camera has the advantage in the enlargement of the mold.
  • Medium shot: the view that lead to a central theme background premises rather avoided. Can be used for shooting berobjek people, about the extent of the hip and above.
  • Metering: light measurement pattern which is usually divided into three categories; center weight, evaluative / matrix and spot.
  • Metering center weight: light measurement pattern uses 60 percent of the area center of the image.
  • Matrix metering: pol light measurement based on the segments and a certain percentage
  • Spot metering: the pattern of light measurement using a certain point centralized
  • MF: stands for manual focus is cata sharpening or focusing is done manually
  • Microphotography: photography that uses a small movie, with the aid of a microscope.
  • Monopod: backrest or one-legged camera support. Helps hold gonyangan. Often called "unipod"


  • ND filters: ND filter is a filter which serves to lower the power of light as much as 2 ssampai 8 times
  • Nebula filter: filter that produces gambat with radial rays effect berpelangi
  • Non-reflex camera; non-reflex cameras that do not use a swivel mirror. An example is a compact camera or camera directly so (Polaroid)
  • Normal lens: a normal sized lens focus length 50mm or 55 mm to 35 mm sized films. The angle of view similar to the viewpoint of the human eye


  • Obscura: the forerunner of today's cameras. The principle is a dark room closed hole. If the camera obscura exposed to light illuminated objects, a wall opposite the hole premises
  • Optical sharpness: optical acuity is a buffer sharpness is achieved because of good quality lens
  • Optics: with regard to vision
  • Overexposure: excess lighting. Part shadow seemed concentrated so negative total black look. If concentrations exceed the limits of this section, photo prints will be gray, high section will be white
  • Overhead lighting: light from above. Lights or penyinaraan made to illuminate the object from above.
  • Override: Deviations from the automatic settings. The goal is that the photographer can set the camera manually.

  • Polarizing color filters: filter consists of a sheet polarizer ang gray and color polarizer, there are a variety of color combinations that can be used for certain effects
  • Conversion Polarizing filter: filter consists of a sheet polarizer with a color conversion filter (85B). Usually used for this type of camera kine, allowing bright tungsten film is used for day and have effects such as polarization filters.
  • FIDER Polarizing filter: filter consisting of two linear PL filter are combined into one. The number of incoming filter can be adjusted by rotating the filter bracelet
  • Circular polarizing filter: filter consisting of a linear polatisator sheets and keeping quater wave retardation, coated between the two rings of the filter. The effect is the same as the polarizing filter, typically used for camera kine
  • Polarizing filter: polarizing filter, used to eliminate reflections from all surfaces are shiny. This filter terditi dati two parts, one with the other parts can be twisted around to get the most ideal angle eliminates reflections, increase the color saturation and penetrate the atmosphere. Also useful for blueing sky
  • Pop-up flash: flash small made or fused with the camera.


  • Rainbow Fantasy filter: filter with normal sphere remaining core containing prisms. Each beam will bertepo rainbow
  • Rana: is a curtain that replaces the function of the manual cover on the front of the lens, the size can be adjusted as needed.
  • Rana Gap: vertical and horizontal slit shutter and is located on the camera. Which vertikan closes vertically and horizontally horizontally close
  • Rana center: located on the lens shutter, side by side with the diaphragm. Covering it with a centralized manner.
  • Release calbe: connecting cable with a shutter that allows the photographer presses the shutter from a distance of a few meters away from the camera.
  • Reloadable to last framer: facility to restore the film that has been rolled up in the middle of the last position used.
  • Rembrandt lighting: The light coming from the window or often also often called the window lighting. The light coming from an angle of 45 degrees. The lighting comes from the name of the Dutch painter Rembrandt
  • Remote: a tool that allows photographers to emphasis the shutter from a distance by connecting wirelessly stream.
  • Resolution: A powerful lens characteristics explained by the ability to present the fineness of detail pictures after the film is developed.
  • Retina: light-sensitive membrane of the eyes or one camera brand camera output.
  • Retouch: change, its repair or add color by using your hands or a brush, or also at this time with the computer like paint to produce a good image and flawless as ever
  • Reserve adapters: a tool connector that is used to take pictures when using the camera lens is reversed so that the rear element of the lens facing the object. With this tool we can use to make regular lens to create a macro shooting with good results

  • Second cutain sync: the facility to turn on the lights flash just before the shutter memutup
  • Self adjusting: pennyesuaian self
  • Self timer:-hold time. A lever is used for the purpose of slowing down the camera shutter open though the camera release button has been pressed. Typically used for photographing yourself
  • Sense of design: the feeling on the composition. Aesthetics in flat nirmana color.
  • Sepia Toner: dye brown / brown
  • Sequence: Sequence. a series of several different shots just in seconds
  • Shade: shade, shadow shapeless
  • Shadow: dark field / black or shadow on an object shaped fotoyang looming
  • Shape: field, a two-dimensional form of the aspects that occur not only because of the appearance of lines, either in the form of a series of three, circles, ellipses, etc. But besides it can also dibentu by a field of color due to an impression of three-dimensional shapes that have a volume
  • Sharpness: sharpness of the film, the film is an ability to record each line of pandanga portrayed with good sharpness. Sharpness is determined by the number of lines per millimeter.
  • Side Light: light from the side, the light coming from the object side, either left or right and can be placed at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. Such lighting effects to produce images with prominent surface or object photograph and the creation of three-dimensional impression. Generally dignakan to display photographs of character, such as portraits.
  • Side lighting: Light in the shooting coming from the direction of the right or left side - 90 degrees is calculated from the point of view of the camera. Direction of the beam as it will produce images with detail and texture of objects with good emergency. The resulting shadow will appear more interesting shapes with the bright half of the face and the other half dark.
  • Single lens reflect: rekleks single lens (RLT), is using mirrors and prisms. The lenses serve to continue the shadow object to the sight and forward it to the movie. What is seen in the same observer window as what happened in the film or photograph
  • Single points of reading: a measurement readings in the lighting is done only at a single point or a particular personality, the most important of an object image.
  • Single servo autofocus; password when you aim at an object and has depressed the shutter button halfway, then the distance between the camera and the object is locked until the button is pressed followed by the recorded one shot
  • Scale: The main object of comparison with other objects in the image.
  • Slave unit: eye-electricity were turned on the lights flash for SLR type using size 35 mm movie yet flexible and good-held and lightweight. Because the camera as the most widely used by photographers. Type and size of the film is very easy to obtain also the film primarily for the use of negative type film. However shortcomings, for large penceakan result, the maximum size of a magazine only
  • Snapshot: Shooting spontaneously, without the model is set up in advance. This method is generally used to create a picture of human interest, resulting in a picture of what it is and looks alamu not seem contrived.
  • Snoot: a means for the perforated conical ends and are used to minimize the spread of the light from the flash studio. Generally produce light that looks rounded when projected on a plane
  • Snow Cross, Star six filters: A clear glass with scratches intersecting the forming stars tailed six dati each point of light
  • Socket: hole insert a sync cable which connects the flash to cover.
  • Soft screen (Lens): a useful lens to avoid the contrast so that the image seem as though somewhat vague with sides invisible firmness limit.
  • Soft fous lens: a powerful lens soft painting
  • Soft spot filter: filter berciti like soft screen but mengjasilkan different image
  • Soft tone filter: fikter which aims to create an image of the soft scenery without enurunkan sharpness and change the color, also did not change shape. Contrast becomes soft without obscuring the view.
  • Solarize: the process of making pictures by means of giving radiation twice on photo paper or film and put it in a developer solution. In the middle of the image formed irradiation with white light once again and continue its development
  • Sonar autofocus: autofocus system that works by traveling back and forth sonar sound - from the camera to the object back to the camera.
  • Special effect: special effects by using certain techniques.
  • Special effects filters: filter special effects are basically not filter because its function is not menyating that deviate from normal shooting.
  • Special lens: ang special lens is used exclusively for special purposes. For example, fish eye lens which is basically not filter it because it does not filter anything but change the view to achieve the results that deviate from normal shooting.
  • Special-purpose lens: Lens special purpose designed and created for the purpose of earning a special image that is usually hard to do with a conventional lens
  • Special filter: bright plastic piece contains thousands of soft prism that transforms each point of light into a rainbow star and rainbow-edged beam. Powerful beam forming stars with thick rainbow files.
  • Spectrum: the beam that is invisible to the eye, is solved by refracting prism in colorful
  • Speedlight: Flash that have a high or fast flaming kecapatan
  • Speedo sollarisasi: a dark room techniques other versions of the movie orthilith solarization technique that will give you a fast motion effects
  • Stereo cameras: two-lens camera that produces two images at once. Two photographs were to be observed with tools or stereo-viewer to get into effect as when photographed
  • Still life: means painting or shooting inanimate objects
  • Stop: the unit that indicates a shift in values ​​aperture or shutter speed dati a value to another value, up or turum. For example, from the diaphragm f: 16 to f: 22 or from kecapatan 1/125 sec to 1/1250 sec
  • Stop bath: liquid stopper. Solution stopper to stop or arrest immediately developers on film or photographic paper. Besides useful to stop the process that occurs, stop bath also serves as a fixer solution that makes the film and photographic prints are more durable
  • Stripping films: films that can be separated from Dast celluloid.
  • Strobe: lamps with the ability to highlight a barrage with a short time interval
  • Subtractive: sisstem preparation color balance by reducing the elements of color, an inverse of the additive or adding
  • Super wide lens: super wide angle lens used for shooting architecture, interior, exterior, scenery, etc.
  • Sync cord terminal: terminal sinktonisasi-flash lights, sockets for installing additional cables ang associated with light-flash
  • Sync shutter speed: Yag kecapatan shutter sync with flash
  • Syncro: automatic switch. By using this switch to flash the light flashes when there is another flash will result in interrupted flash installed syncro

  • Table stand: a small tripod. The back of the camera which helps keep rocking used on the table
  • TextureL texture, surface properties or properties of the material, an element of visual art very penring being able membreri impression of "taste" as smooth, rough, shiny, etc.
  • Tele converter lens is installed in the original lens and camera body, which can transform into a normal lens telephoto and telephoto lens into a long winded. Generally multiples of two or three times the lens focal distance of origin
  • Tele lesns: telephoto lens is used to magnify the object to be photographed. This lens can be used to obtain sharp short space. Especially for shooting potreat use the lens as this will result wajwh perspective that close to the original
  • Telephoto lens: a telephoto lens, a lens that has a long folus. Shading the shorter telephoto lens when compared to other lenses
  • Medium telephoto: telafoto medium telephoto lens types that have a length between 75-135 m
  • Test strips: a way to get good prints done by making a multilevel lighting at the time of printing before actual printing
  • Tilt head: the ability of the head-lights flash to be played. Its function is to get a soft penahayaan effect by reflecting the first light emitted from the flash. The strong light falling object to rely heavily on reflection surface, color and distance
  • Timer switches: Timepieces that would cut off the electricity at the end of a predetermined count
  • Transparent: invisibility is the surface of an object that does not impede the view to see the objects behind it. Glass and plastic for example is transparent.
  • Trnaslusen: Translucent light. But we do not biasan see objects that are behind the translucent objects. For example, frosted glass, frosted glass, milk glass, plastic bleak, etc.
  • Transparency: Transparent, translucent images, slides or positive film
  • Tripod: foot-three. A tool used to hold the camera in the form of foot-three, which can be lengthened and shortened as desired. Usually used to help overcome shake when taking the picture are using a telephoto lens, or the use of a low speed so that the position of the camera steady and shoot avoid rocking
  • Tripod socket: a place for a tripod. A section in the camera, usually with threaded holes in it, which is useful to attach a tripod or foot-three cameras
  • TTL: stands for Through the Lens Metering. Measurement system of light through the lens. Also called OTF. The camera should be loaded with film to get an accurate measurement. Or in other ways that replace it with opaque paper yan cross gdiletakkan on window films which cover the entire window hatis
  • Tungsten films: films that is specifically intended for the shooting is done with artificial light with the usual light or photo-flood, but still can be used for shooting under natural light
  • Twin lens reflex: a twin lens reflex. Cameras that have the two lenses. One lens serves to mengangkap object reflected by the mirror through the viewfinder window, a lens is used to capture the object to be passed to the film. Using this type of camera like this should be extra careful because there is often called parallax error at close range shooting

  • Vario focal lens: the zoom lens. Long-focus lens that has to be altered tau can be shifted.
  • Vario lens: vario lens or a zoom lens is often referred to as
  • Vertiacal grip: a tool shutter release for vertical shooting without having to rotate the hand
  • View Camera: camera that uses large format film and used for shooting purposes that require sharp details on printing the images are large generally can enhance and increase turuang sharp perspective. Detal images can be displayed perfectly
  • View finder: vidik window. Part dati camera that serves as the eye sees the shadow of the object to be immortalized


  • Waist level finder: sight waist
  • Warm tone: very warm toned. A color that is felt not too glaring, or colored to dark brown direction toward the pitch-black
  • Watt / Second: studio flash unit power which is distinguished by the use of portable flash GN. There is no formula relevance of W / S and GN, but 100 W / S is almost comparable with GN = 30
  • Wide angle lens: wide-angle lens, for example 20mm or 24mm lens. Types of lenses with short body used to photograph a wide panorama or to shoot a large number of people. These lenses appeared smaller image
  • Wide shot: shooting with wide viewing angle
  • Wireless ttl: measurement system passing through the lens without wires
  • Worm eye: view worms. Means shooting from the standpoint of the soil surface. The result is a photo recording with a high impression of extreme, the picture was unique because such a perspective


  • Zone system: a way to produce images with contrast levels that starts from deep black to tone white color tone once
  • Zoom lens: the zoom lens. Type of lens that has elements that are able to move up to make the focal length bervarisai. Focus length can be changed to shorten or extend the lens tube
  • Zoom Blur: image blur caused by the movement of the zoom on the camera's shutter release time
  • Zooming ring: bracelet limit on the vario range zoom lens
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